What is web 3.0?
The internet we use now is very different from what it was just ten years ago. How has the internet changed over time, and more importantly, where is it headed next?
What’s more, why does any of this matter?
If history has taught us anything, these shifts will have a significant impact.
In this essay, I’ll explain how the web has changed over time, where it’s headed next, and why this matters.
Consider how the internet influences your day-to-day existence. Take a look at how the internet has influenced society.
Platforms for social media. Apps for mobile devices. And now, as we speak, the internet is undergoing yet another fundamental upheaval.
A paradigm shift.
Web 3 is a paradigm change that offers particular answers to the inadequacies of the Web 2 internet. It’s a response to the closed-in ecosystems generated by companies like Facebook and YouTube.
As a result, people’s data was collected, their privacy was violated, and their capacity to manage the information they created was stifled.
Because it directly addresses the issues of ownership and power, Web 3 undermines that model.
Now let’s look at the history of the internet and specifically web 1.0 and web 2.0.
History 101. ( Skip if you don’t like facts )
What was the beginning of the Internet? It all started with a satellite, believe it or not.
Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, was launched in 1957 by the Soviet Union. The revelation came as a shock to Americans. The Cold War was at its height, and the US and the Soviet Union were considered adversaries. It was possible that if the Soviet Union could launch a satellite into space, it could also shoot a missile towards North America.
As a direct response to the launch of Sputnik, President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1958. The goal of ARPA was to give the US a technological advantage over other countries. Computer science was a key component of ARPA’s goal.
Computers in the 1950s were massive machines that took up entire rooms. They lacked a fraction of the processing power and memory found in today’s computers. Many computers could only read magnetic tape or punch cards, and there was no means to connect them through a network.
ARPA set out to change this. To build a computer network, it enlisted the services of Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN). Four computers with four different operating systems had to be connected across the network. ARPANET was the name given to the network.
The Internet would not appear or behave the way it does now if it weren’t for ARPANET; it might not even exist. Even though other organizations were working on ways to connect computers, ARPANET invented the protocols that are still used on the Internet today. Furthermore, without ARPANET, it might have taken many more years for someone to try to connect regional networks into a bigger system.
Engineers began looking for a mechanism to connect ARPANET to the packet radio network in 1973. (PRNET). A packet radio network uses radio transmitters and receivers to connect computers. The computers use radio waves instead of phone wires to transfer data. Engineers finally joined the two networks in 1976, after three years of labor.
In 1977, technicians connected the Satellite Network (SATNET) to the two other networks. Inter-networking, or the Internet for short, was the name given to the connecting of different networks. Other early computer networks quickly followed suit. USENET, BITNET, and others were among them.
Tim Berners – Lee
Tim Berners-Lee then created a technique to make navigation on the Internet easier in 1990. This system became known as the World Wide Web over time.
It didn’t take long for some individuals to confuse the Internet and the Web as the same. The World Wide Web is a way to navigate the Internet, which is a global interconnection of computer networks. It’s like comparing a baby to an adult.
You can read more about the History of the Internet at Internet org.
Let’s start with web 1.0
Web 1.0 refers to the early stages of the World Wide Web’s development, which were characterized by rudimentary static websites.
The term Web 1.0 didn’t arise until Darci DiNucci ( Wikipedia about Darci Dinucci) invented the term Web 2.0 in 1999. The web was undergoing a huge shift at that time.
The majority of websites in the 1990s were created with static HTML pages and a few basic styles integrated into the HTML syntax.
The interactive website features changed what could be done in a web browser in the late 1990s and early 2000s, marking a key turning point in the world of web development.
Differences between web 1.0 and 2.0
Sites using the Web 1.0 platform are static. They may include helpful information, but there is no motivation for a visitor to return to the site later.
A personal webpage, for example, might contain information about the site’s owner that never changes. A blog or MySpace account that may be updated often is a Web 2.0 variant.
Web 1.0 sites weren’t designed to be interactive. Visitors could only view these sites; they were unable to influence or contribute to them.
The majority of organizations had profile pages that visitors could view but not change. But an example like Wikipedia allows anybody to visit and make changes. This was a feature of web 2.0.
Web 2.0
This is now stuff.
You don’t have to be a developer to participate in the creation process in the web2 environment. Many apps are designed in such a way that anyone can simply become a creator.
And you can use web building tools like WordPress to make websites without that fiddly coding and hair pulling/
You can create a thought and share it with the rest of the world. You can also post a video and make it available to millions of others to watch, interact with, and comment on.
Web2 is quite simple, and as a result of its simplicity, an increasing number of people all around the world are becoming creators.

So what is web 3.0?
Web 3.0 is the democratization of the internet. In my opinion, it has been a long time coming.
There are a few key distinctions between web2 and web3, but decentralization is at the heart of both.
Web3 improves on the internet as we know it today by adding a few new features. Web3 stands for:
- Verifiable
- Trustless
- Self-governing
- Permissionless
- Robust and dependable
- Stateful
- Payments that are embedded into the system
Web3 developers won’t create and deploy apps that run on a single server or store data in a single database or are hosted on and managed by a single cloud provider.
Web3 applications, on the other hand, are either built on blockchains or are built on top of them.
Network participants (developers) are rewarded and compete to deliver the highest quality services to anyone using the service to establish a stable and secure decentralized network.
When it comes to web3, you’ll find that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are frequently mentioned. This is because many of these protocols rely heavily on cryptocurrencies. Anyone who wishes to engage is given a cash incentive for helping develop, contribute or govern this platform.
In a nutshell, it could be the nearest thing to anarchy on the web, or full democratization depending on which side you stand on.
What are the business possibilities?
Suppose a fresh and innovative idea is announced that addresses a real-online world need. From the beginning, anyone can assist in creating it or investing in it.
The corporation announces the distribution of some tokens, with 5% going to early builders, 20% going to the general public, and the remainder kept aside for future payments to contributors and project funding.
Stakeholders can vote with their tokens on changes to the project’s future, and those who helped construct it can sell some of their holdings to profit after the tokens are distributed.
People who believe in this initiative can buy and hold shares, while those who believe it is heading down the wrong path can sell their shares.
Is Metaverse web 3.0 technology?
In my opinion;
No, it is not, The metaverse as Mark Zuckerberg would like it to be called is still an autocratic online universe. Many people see it as a 3D immersive universe with unlimited concurrent users that is synchronous, durable, and scalable. It’s seen as a digital environment where we’ll spend most of our time working, learning, playing, and entertaining ourselves.
But Meta or Facebook as they were formally known will still have the overriding control.
Whereas web 3.0 is professed to be a more democratic and inclusive community. Data will be openly distributed, and collectively owned via peer-to-peer networks when built on “blockchain”.
Users will control their data as a result, peer-to-peer transactions will cut out the middlemen, and data will be stored on the blockchain publicly so anyone can participate in and monetize their ideas.
DecentraLand is more akin to web 3.0 ideals than Metaverse is and probably ever will be, in my opinion.
Do the Big Boys like it? | Editorial.
In the second phase, the internet got considerably better in terms of user experience by giving users greater freedom and services. Social media platforms and content sites such as Facebook and YouTube arose during this time.
The third phase, which is projected to integrate and democratize the internet, is being heralded as a quantum leap forward from the second.
Some of these advancements include virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, while others are still in their infancy but growing rapidly.
Find out more about Blockchain at Euromoney What is Blockchain.
In my Opinion “NO”.
As an example, Jack Dorsey, who just stepped down as CEO of Twitter Inc., has taken to the platform he co-founded to express his discontent with so-called Web3 technology.
Elon Musk asked on Twitter the other day he could not find Web 3.0, I posted a reply where to find it. Only to have it deleted.
So you have to ask yourself the question, why don’t the “big boys” want to lose control of the internet?
You can read a bit more on gadgets 360 about the Tweet here Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey mocking web 3.
What do I think, I think they just want to reap the rewards themselves.
What’s next?
Web 4.0, which has yet to arrive, is also known as the symbiotic web, in which the computer and the human brain can freely interact, possibly as equals.
Author and owner of Kool Affiliates.
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Thanks for explaining the difference between web 3.0 and what we currently have now. I don’t know a lot of about blockchain and cryptocurrency outside of what’s seen on the news. But I know it’s been gaining a lot of steam in the media so maybe it’s time I learn more about what’s coming in the future.
Thanks again for the article!
Crypto is certainly something we should all be aware of.