Facebook needs no introduction.
But here is a bit of the background on Facebook and its’ history.
Mark Zuckerberg founded the world’s largest and most well-known social network in early 2004 while still a Harvard University student.
The original goal of “TheFacebook,” as it was then known, was to provide a computerized version of Harvard’s individual colleges’ “face books,” which were paper directories collecting photographs and personal information about people.
Initially limited to Harvard students, Facebook grew to include students from other prestigious US universities before expanding to all universities and high schools in the United States and Canada. The decision to offer the facility to the general public was made in 2006
The rest is widely known as Facebook has grown into a huge conglomerate that offers multimedia content as well as sharing stuff that has been shared by others on Facebook or elsewhere.
All of this today appears elementary, but at the time, Facebook and other members of the initial wave of social networks were pioneering developments of online businesses.
Now they have re-branded into Meta.
Facebook is everywhere.
Like them or loathe them if you are not using Facebook as a marketing tool for your business you are missing out on a large audience.
Facebook is the largest social network in the world, with 2.89 billion monthly active members as of the second quarter of 2021.
Quick facebook statistics
- In 2020, Facebook produced $85.9 billion in revenue.
- The Facebook app brought in almost $60 billion.
- Despite the fact that only 10% of Facebook users are located in the United States and Canada, the region generates $40.5 billion in income
- Facebook made a $32.6 billion operating profit in 2020.
- Over five billion people have downloaded Facebook.

What is Facebook marketing?
Facebook Marketing is in charge of a Facebook Business page’s social media activity.
It sends out messages and encourages interaction among Facebook users, whether or not they follow you. Businesses can use the Facebook platform to market their brand, products, and services to a large social media audience. Quality leads and additional money are generated by effective Facebook marketing.
Setting up an account on Facebook
If you don’t have a Facebook account yet, go to https://www.facebook.com/business/ while logged into either your personal or business account. If you’re a marketing firm, you can use Facebook Business Manager to manage all of your clients’ accounts in one place.

the Adds Manager toolbar.
It’s critical to become comfortable with the Facebook Ads Manager interface before creating campaigns or uploading ads. There are five tabs to choose from on the home screen.
Your insights and creative tools will be stored in “Plan.” If you have a Facebook pixel on your site, the Audience Insights tool will be filled with data that Facebook has acquired from your site visitors.
You don’t need to start running campaigns to receive these insights; simply embed the pixel on your website to begin learning about your visitors.
The Creative Hub, which enables marketing teams to collaborate, manage their creative mock-ups, and view formats, is also located in the “Plan” section.
Ads Manager
The Ads Manager is part of “Create & Manage,” and it’s where you’ll probably spend the majority of your time. Using custom columns, you can see all of your campaigns and their performance. Later in this guide, we’ll go over the various performance measures.
Measure and report.
There are a number of more advanced features in “Measure & Report,” including:
- Ads Reporting
- Test and Learn
- Attribution
- Analytics
- Events Manager
Once you’ve mastered the basics, these features are the next area to delve deeper into.
Your audiences, photos, product catalogs, business locations, and brand safety settings are all found in the “Assets” area.
You may access information such as your account name, time zone, and business address in ” Settings.” You can also edit or add advertiser and administrator responsibilities for your ad account here.
This tab also allows you to change your email notification settings. You can opt to receive emails when ads are accepted or disapproved, schedule reports, and be notified when your payment method is paid.
If you ever need to delete your Facebook Ads Manager account, this is where you go.
So you want to advertise your product or services. You will need Facebook advertising.

Facebook Advertising.
Facebook Advertising is a component of Facebook Marketing that involves allocating a media budget to run sponsored advertisements on the social media site.
Facebook advertisements can help companies achieve a variety of business goals, including:
Users’ involvement, lead generation and conversions, online sales, and website traffic, among other things
Facebook advertisements function similarly to Google ads, with the exception that all ads appear exclusively on Facebook.
The most important part of Facebook advertising is
Your campaign objectives, who do you want to target, and what times do you want your ads to go out. Other important factors are the creativity of your content and the visual appeal of your advertisement. Next, consider how much you want to spend and over what time period do you want your ads to run.
Who can help me?
If you want to learn about becoming a Facebook or Meta marketing hero it is advisable to do some learning before earning. There are a lot of so-called gurus out there and I am not one of them.
My advice would be to do a course with a company like Udemy to get your knowledge up to speed before you go it alone or decide to use someone like Prodima.
What does the course offer?
In this course, you’ll discover the exact procedures and methods for creating and establishing your own Facebook group, as well as how to make your new community thrive in ways you never imagined.
You’ll learn what distinguishes a successful Facebook group from one that isn’t, you’ll discover totally new ways to leverage groups and reach your audience, and you’ll be able to see results in DAYS.
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Hi Stephen,
Good article! I like the layout of your website as well. I think you are right, I think Meta is going to be huge and make lots of people money! I have always loved virtual worlds and online gaming. I have spent time in quite a few online worlds. I also checked out Decentral. I had a little trouble navigating, then I got a phone call and just logged out. Haven’t been back to it yet, at some point I will visit again. My understanding of NFT’s was they were digital assets? Thanks again and good luck!
Thanks, yeh I think these digital worlds will become real assets in the future. I know some established sites are now selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Gamers will jump on this possibly incorporate game sites in virtual stores. But I can see this becoming big, the next generation of entertainment. I think it will impact negatively on the TV market a well. I know I for one haven’t watched TV for over 6 months now.