How to Sell on YouTube | 101 basics

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Want to monetize your YouTube channel?

People are spending a billion hours a day watching YouTube videos. If you want to tap into this market read on.

For any enterprise, the amount of time people spend on one platform opens up a lot of possibilities. YouTube is an effective tool for both branding and traffic generation. Countless business owners have used the platform to increase sales, and you can too.

Do you want to learn how to make money on YouTube?
In this article, we’ll go through how to promote a new YouTube business channel. You will learn about how to sell your stuff on YouTube and increase traffic to your website or landing page.

You Need a Website.

To link your videos to product reviews or sales pages, you’ll need a website. This can be a landing page, a blog, or, in the best-case scenario, a product page on your website.

You can also include a link to your profiles on other social media sites, such as Facebook, Linkedin, or Pinterest, depending on your marketing strategy.

The most effective method is to create a separate page or post for each video. For instance, if you sell camera equipment and create a video on “how to Vlog as if your life depends on it,” the video should include a link to the product pages of the things discussed.

Find out how to get a free website ==> HERE <==

A Desire to Help.

It may sound contradictory, but to properly sell on YouTube, you must avoid hard-sell tactics. Instead, you should try to assist your viewers by providing useful information. On YouTube, hard sells seldom work; helpful advice and humor do.

There are tons of ways to make money on YouTube such as; sponsorships, affiliate marketing, merchandising, and other creative techniques. These are just a few examples to help you monetize your videos.

However, let us break down the selling procedure into three simple steps. Creating videos, attracting viewers, and marketing your channel, which are the most important steps in the process of monetizing your Videos.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these three processes. Here we go, hold on to your hats.

1. Make Videos.

Without creating your own videos, you can’t effectively sell yourself on YouTube. This may appear to be a difficult undertaking, particularly if you’re not used to being in front of the camera. if you don’t like your looks or the sound of your voice there are tools that can help. You can check some out  ==> HERE <==

But, once you’ve got some good vlogging tools and some great ideas, you’re ready to go. You’ll discover that generating videos is much easy than you anticipated.

The type of video you should develop is largely dependent on your product.

Pro Tips. use a tool like Screencast-O- Matic.

Here are a few video ideas to get you started:

Question and Answer Videos.

Videos The ideal place to start with video content is with “question and answer” videos. Customers are curious about who you are and what you do. Announce your social media networks before you begin filming so that your fans and friends can send you questions.

Q&A videos provide real-world knowledge to your visitors. This type of video content demonstrates that you are paying attention to your clients. By answering those tough questions, you’ll earn a lot of respect in your community.

Unboxing Videos

Unboxing videos are similar to seeing a child open a gift on their birthday and experiencing their joy. You can’t take your eyes off it! The focus of your video material will be on opening a fascinating box with hidden surprises. Each item in the box will be discussed in your movie, as well as what it means to the viewer.

People love getting a closer look at the goods they’re considering buying, which is why unboxing videos are so popular. Genuine responses from consumers and staff are incredibly popular among YouTube viewers.

Product Reviews

Product reviews are some of the most entertaining video content available. Begin by contacting some of your network’s influencers and customers. Don’t be disheartened if your company or service is relatively unknown.

With a little study, you’ll be able to identify a group of people that can provide positive feedback about your products and niche.

When you’ve found the ideal reviewers, offer them your product or service for free in exchange for their feedback. Tell them you want their honest feedback when they get it, and that if they like it, you’d love to have them perform a YouTube product review

Sharing Reviews.

Your YouTube channel shouldn’t just feature your videos. It can also share and promote other people’s material, such as video reviews from influencers. Such reviews are frequently found by searching for your product’s name on YouTube.

Another strategy to sell on YouTube is to ask influencers if you can put their review on your channel. Most of them will be pleased to see their work spread around the internet, as some of them are likely trying to promote their own companies’ products or services on YouTube.

2. Generate Traffic.

Following the creation of a video, the next step is to drive viewer traffic to your website or landing page.

Fortunately, YouTube allows visitors to connect with your video content in a variety of ways.

Let’s have a look at a few examples.

Include hyperlinks.

This is one of the most prevalent ways to get people to visit your website. Links on any topics covered in the video are expected by YouTube users, as they serve as a reference point.

The first three lines of your video’s description are shown. The user must then select “see more” to see further information. As a result, making the most of the opening three lines is critical.

Pro tip: Shorten longer links to make them easier to read, make the text look cleaner and more uniform. You can use a plug-in like Pretty Links to help with this.

Interactive Cards.

Cards are interactive features that can be added to a video to accomplish a variety of tasks, such as showcasing your items or linking to another video.

You can utilize a variety of cards in your YouTube video, including:

  • Video cards to link to a YouTube video
  • Playlist cards to a YouTube playlist.
  • Channel cards to link to another YouTube channel
  • Link cards to link to an external website.

Add End Screens.

End screens are overlays that appear at the end of your YouTube video and prompt viewers to take action after watching it.

End screens can be added to a video’s last 5–20 seconds. They’re frequently used to advertise additional videos on your channel or to entice people to subscribe to your channel.

End screens can be used by online sellers to route customers to their online store or product pages.

Pro tip: Use tools like Canva to add end screens as well as intro screens and text information.

3. Marketing

It’s time to market your YouTube channel after you’ve created your clips and published them.

This could be the easiest or most difficult portion of selling on YouTube, depending on your present marketing talents. Let’s have a look at some strategies you can use at any moment, irrespective of your skill level:

Engage with your audience.

Comments on YouTube can be a terrific source of new visitors. All of your other social media channels are also excellent places to find new followers. Using sites like Quora to answer questions is a terrific method to attract more followers.

Engaging with your community and responding to their queries will always help you promote your business.

Try to respond to comments on other people’s videos, not just your own. Find topics that are similar to your own and enter the discussion. And try to respond on time.

SEO for YouTube

YouTube is one of the world’s most popular search engines. YouTube videos appear in Google searches as well. So you need to get your SEO right.

You can find out more about SEO ==> HERE <==

Although YouTube SEO is a separate topic, here are some pointers to get you started:

Produce videos based on “video keywords.” These are words or phrases that produce a higher number of video “hits” in Google as well as Bing and Yahoo. If you do this correctly it will lead to more sales.

Using keywords in the title of your video will make it “findable” by the search engines and their ‘bots’, “spiders”, or crawlers.

Also, make sure to give your video file a keyword-based name. More about Keyword research tools ==> HERE <==

Advertise on YouTube

So can you sell stuff on YouTube? Yes, you can, and don’t miss out on this huge market.

The steps outlined are excellent for long-term benefits for building your online business. Think about running paid advertising if you want to build your channel quickly.

Consider building video campaigns in Google Ads to engage with customers on YouTube. Why? because this will move you more quickly to success.


Making the most of strategies like linking and using pinned posts, and establishing custom links to your profile will be the best bet for getting your audience to buy your products or services.

Having a large YouTube following is a great way to start selling your stuff, and YouTube’s built-in training makes it easy to build up smooth, integrated sales methods. So don’t delay, jump in and start learning and earning.

Who Am I?

my name is Stephen, Steve or “Stevoi”. My life is currently about living in Vietnam and “oi” at the end of your name means ‘friend”. I am a content writer with a few websites with a soft spot for dogs, cats, and fish. Failings include a love of chocolate and sambuca.

Your Friend.


You can check out my house in Vietnam below.

youtube link

Any or all links on this site maybe affiliate links, and if you purchase something through those links I will make a small commission on them.

There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation, you could actually save money.

You can read our full affiliate disclosure here.

4 thoughts on “How to Sell on YouTube | 101 basics”

  1. I’d like to start selling on YouTube. I like the question and answer, and unboxing video ideas. After searching the internet for ideas, I certainly run into a lot of questions that need answers. I’m using Camtasia to make videos now but I’m going to try out the Screencast-O-Matic to see if it will work better for me. I have trouble with mixing the sound, music, and video together sometimes. You have a great point about putting important comments and links in the first 3 lines of the video description. If no one clicks to see more, then they might be missing a bonus you thought would help drive traffic.

  2. Hello Stephen! Great article, it was really informative article. Thank you for that! I have my own website, but mostly I am blogging, I didn’t make a Youtube channel yet and didn’t create any videos related to my blog, sadly. So I have a long way t go there. I would like to have a youtube channel and at some point earn money with that. All of that, of course, take a lot of work, but it could be fun with the right niche. Thanks again for a great article! I even saved it for checking it later for ideas! Have an amazing day! 🙂

    • Thanks Linda. I think it is very important to use YouTube as there are over 1 billion views daily now and we must utilize this great resource. I wish you all the best for your website.




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