How to Get Website Readers From Tik-Tok.

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Increase Business with Tik-Tok.

The methodology of Getting Tik-Tok Readers.

TikTok is becoming one of the most well-liked social media sites, with a billion monthly active members from all over the world. The fact that TikTok users spend an estimated $110 million per month makes it the highest-grossing non-gaming app, which may be reason enough for businesses to start using the platform.

We are going to try and attract new Tik-Tok readers similar to how Jeff Bezos built his Amazon. Precocious, absolutely, and incredibly interesting as well to see if we can build new clients or fall on our face. Let’s go.

Tik-Tok to Kool Affiliates.

We are going to put together a small Tik Tok vlog and promote it there and YouTube and Facebook and Twitter. Will we attract new readers to the website or will we crash and burn? If nothing else it will certainly be interesting to find out if small vlogs are successful or not. This is something that will require more than one vlog, so like my websites I should be prepared to post for quite some time. As I have done before with different social platforms I expect to spend at least 6 months on this exercise.

Amazons Approach to Acquiring clients.

Just like Amazon, we are looking for future customers who we can, hopefully, attract from Tik-Tok as future readers and customers to our kool affiliates website.

As its chairman and CEO, Jeff Bezos claims, Amazon’s ascent from a tiny online shopping alternative to one of the world’s leading eCommerce platforms is a journey built on its devotion to customers. The core concept of trust between the customer and the business can also be broken down into the “customer-centric” approach. According to Bezos, what sets Amazon apart from rivals is its ability to put expansion objectives on hold to safeguard the precarious level of trust people have in his business and its services.

How to Gather Readers.

Put together a short and funny vlog or one that is relevant and specific to your group of readers. This vlog could be about anything, but you will have more chance of attracting readers with things that are currently trending.

For this, you can add a tool like Google Trends that will help you find out what is trending in your country.

This will then be posted on both Tik-Tok and YouTube with the blog being posted on my website

Then my posts would be sent to different social website platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin to see what response I get.

In The Drivers Seat.

In my opinion, it is the customer who drives everything these days. It always was, but it is, even more, these days. The customer expects us to understand them, And they almost expect intrusive questions these days so we know about them. And they definitely expect to be entertained. That is why we have the likes of Tik-Tok and YouTube as well as gamification and the ability to tell a good story.

First, we need to set up our business account on Tik-Tok.

Get Tik-Tok Business.

Of course, opening a business account is the first step. Download the app, then register with your phone number or email address to do this. You can also sign up for TikTok using a social media account that is linked to your business’s account on those platforms. In my case, I used Google.

YouTube is a bit more flexible with its time for vlogs than Tik Tok who, just around a year ago increased readers upload time from 1 minute to 3 minutes. ( It has now been increased to 10 minutes for business accounts.)

This is my link to my Tik Tok premier presentation. I am going to pretty things up and add more in the future. I believe my market, is not in line with the Tik Tok “person”. But I have challenged myself to find this out for myself.

Select “Manage Account” by clicking the “…” icon at the top of your “Me” page. Select “Switch to Business Account,” then pick the category that most closely resembles your industry. Now that you have a TikTok Business account, you may interact with your followers and provide material related to your company.

Keep it Pretty.

And remember some of the important things are keeping your content clean. And does it look good? Can you see it? or is it in darkness and you can’t make out what’s happening, and is it shaky or are you using a gimbal? You don.t need massive amounts of top-line equipment but you do need some basics.

These are what I use to keep my videos “tight”, and while I am upgrading they have done a magnificent job for me. The smaller tripod has taken over most of my photographic and video needs primarily because it’s cheap and light and easy to use.

You can pick up cheap ones normally from a Facebook group interested in photography. You don’t need to spend, and you shouldn’t, a lot on these.

………and to help people find you, use these things #. That’s it, use hashtags. Or, should I say, #Use Hashtags.

Lastly, you will notice that I have not talked about SEO. And that is because I have talked about it a lot already. So starting with this “Is SEO dead or not” you can find much more on my website. Happy reading.

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There will be no extra cost to you and at times due to my affiliation, you could actually save money.

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