How to market on MeWe for your business

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Marketing on MeWe | 101

Who is MeWe?

MeWe is an alternative social networking site that has seen a boom in new users as individuals look for other platforms to utilize instead of Facebook and Twitter.

It calls itself the “next-gen social network” and bases its sales pitch on data privacy and an ad-free experience for new users.

MeWe is owned by a firm called “Sgrouples,” which was also the platform’s original name. Mark Weinstein, an internet entrepreneur, started the company.

Weinstein began a new internet business initiative in 2011, which eventually led to the formation of MeWe.

Does it have many followers?

People from all over the world are migrating to MeWe from Facebook, Instagram, and other major platforms. Because it is the only social network that truly values its users by not allowing ads or limiting freedom of speech.

With no paid marketing or member acquisition costs, MeWe has been able to accomplish extraordinary growth. As a result, the company is now preparing for even faster growth by extending its marketing efforts and product options.

People are increasingly joining MeWe because their content is sent to all of their followers regardless of how frequently they update. On Facebook and Instagram, content is throttled based on the user’s popularity.

How many?

MeWe claims to be attracting 30,000 new users every day and claims to have grown by 300 percent in 2018.

They appear to be breaking the mold for social media platforms, with a user base of around 18 million people taking up either the free version or the premium version.

The paid premium version does give some extra features such as unlimited emoji and sticker packs, unlimited voice and video calling, unlimited custom themes.

Also, 100GB of cloud storage and additional locked-in prices for stickers for a $1.99 flat fee, or unlimited voice and video calling for $1.99 per month.

There’s also MeWePRO, a collaboration and communication software for businesses helping boost their profits.

That was in the first quarter of 2021, and assuming the rate of sign-ups has remained consistent, they should already be hovering around the 20 million mark.

Why should I market on MeWe?

Facebook has 2 billion users, dwarfing all other social networks, so it’s evident that’s a terrific place to market your site. However, MeWe has millions of users, so it shouldn’t be overlooked.

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You’re a small fish in a huge pond on Facebook, but you could be a big fish in a small pond on MeWe. With less competition, you should be able to stand out more.

How do I market on MeWe?

The first thing you need to do is sign up if you don’t have an account.

Sign up for MeWe on their website. It’s completely free and only takes a minute. Privacy is a priority for MeWe, and it is promoted as one of the perks.

MeWe has no advertising and does not disclose your information with anyone, unlike other social networks who collect every scrap of information about you and use it to improve advertising.

Make use of MeWe groups.

On MeWe, a group is a location where people who share common interests communicate, share images, videos, and links. A group can be formed around a certain subject, such as Origami, Karate, or drinking beer.

On MeWe, there are thousands of groups covering a wide range of topics, but there’s still a place for one more, your own personal group.

You’ve probably heard of Facebook groups, and MeWe groups are similar. You can create one or more groups of your own, as well as join groups that others have formed.

You may communicate in groups with others who share your interests, ask for or give support, and share links to your website or social media updates.

It is more hands-on, and it is not about spamming, but the people you meet will be more willing to interact with you on a business level if you have established the trust factor upfront.

The Pros and cons as I see them.

Pros: You may personalize your home page, groups, and pages by uploading your own photo and cover image. You can promote it on your website or blog to attract others to follow you on MeWe.

This can include fans, customers, and friends. Your followers will see your updates if you post them. You may use MeWe to grow a following and share material with them.

Cons: Only MeWe members have access to MeWe content; non-members have no access to anything. To see it, you must first sign up and then sign in. As a result, developing backlinks is pointless.

MeWe’s home feed

Despite the fact that the menus, buttons, and screen layout are considerably different from Facebook, it functions similarly. Like Facebook, you can publish comments, links, photographs, and videos to your home feed.

Other people you follow will have their posts displayed on your home feed. In many aspects, it’s similar to Facebook but with a different design.


If you do not devote time and effort to promote your group, it will be difficult to attract new members. This is true across the board. It can, however, be an excellent approach to attract people’s curiosity in your niche.

It takes time and effort to keep a busy group working properly for you. And you will receive negative feedback and messages, as well as a certain amount of spam, as with any social networking platform.

You can, however, kick them out of your group as the moderator, and MeWe provides a number of tools to assist you.

If you do put in the time and effort you can establish a lot of followers who will eventually follow you back to your website or other social media platforms. If only to check you out thoroughly.

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